Dubai off-plan…great idea or the big unknown?

Dubai off-plan…great idea or the big unknown?

In a world full of uncertainty, one thing is clear – the topic of Dubai off-plan purchases can be divisive. This is a great idea for some, filled with financial uplift and opportunity. For others, the fact that the purchase is theoretical until it’s built is a risk too far.

A larger number of primary or off-plan transactions is usually a sign of vibrant economic activity as it indicates new developments are required for the demand of a growing city, which could be led by either better job prospects, as is the case with Dubai, or rapid urbanization.

Here, Laguna offers up its pros and cons for Dubai off-plan purchases, which can be considered alongside an individual’s personal financial situation, the current real estate market, and future investment plans.


  • Potential price appreciation: Off-plan properties may increase in value before completion, offering up a healthy
  • Flexible payment terms: Off-plan properties often come with flexible payment terms, allowing for payments in installments rather than all at once.
  • Discounts: Off-plan properties can often be packaged with attractive discounts, only available at launch
  • Customization options: Off-plan properties may offer customization options, resulting in personalized homes according to specific needs and preferences.
  • Opportunity to secure a property at today’s prices: Buying an off-plan property means buyers secure a property at today’s prices, even if the market value increases before completion.


  • Risk of delays or changes: Off-plan properties are often not completed on time, and changes to the development plans can occur, all factors that fall outside of buyers’ control
  • Lack of transparency: Off-plan properties may lack transparency, making it difficult to know exactly what exactly is included in the purchase.
  • Market conditions: If the real estate market is declining and bought at the top of the market, it may be difficult to sell or rent an off-plan property once it’s completed.
  • Lack of control: When you buy an off-plan property, you have limited control over the final product and may be disappointed with the finished product.

In conclusion, buying an off-plan property can be a great idea for some people, but it’s important to weigh the pros and cons and consider your individual circumstances before making a decision. However, on balance, Laguna feels that off-plan investment in Dubai is highly lucrative, owing to factors such as staggered payment plans and discounts, which should result in much higher returns for the investor.

If you need more information before reaching your decision, contact one of the team for a personal consultation.


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